rachel morrison, OT Reg. (ont.), psychotherapist

I can help you feel more calm, confident, and supported.

If you’re struggling in your role as a parent, it’s affecting other parts of your life and yourself, or you’ve lost sight of the lines in between…

You’re in the right place.

We cherish our children (most of the time), and yet parenting can also be one of life’s greatest challenges…

These two realities can and do co-exist. We need spaces where we can be grateful for our families and acknowledge the big, uncomfortable feelings that come with parenting — overwhelm, worry, sadness, guilt, doubt, anger, resentment, loneliness … to name a few.

If you’ve ever thought …

“I didn’t sign up for this …”

“I don’t know what I’m doing …”

“I am failing my child/my relationship/my work …”

“I want to run away…”

“I miss my life before parenthood …”

“I feel like a shell of myself …”

“I’ve made a terrible mistake …”

“I don’t like my life right now …”

“I feel hopeless …”

… you’re not alone.  And, you don’t have to be alone with those feelings.

While you will always be the person leading your own therapeutic process, I am here to hold a safe and non-judgmental space, offer insights, and provide tools that work. My lived experience is as a cisgender, straight, white woman and my approach to therapy is anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, and client-centred. My training and experience allow me to tailor sessions to each individual client and their situation. I believe in meeting parents where they are at, with an open mind and a listening ear.

I’ve been where you are, and I’ve experienced the pain you are feeling. As a mother of three, I have felt all of the overwhelm, the guilt, the worry, and the second-guessing. I’ve been awake at night feeling like a failure, and wondering how this greatest blessing in my life has also caused so much unravelling.  I have deep compassion for what you are going through, and I want you to know that with the right resources and support, things can be better.

You can do more than survive as a parent — you can thrive! Truly.  I can help.

As a registered occupational therapist and psychotherapist, I bring a unique dual lens to my work with parents, creating space to honour and process difficult feelings in hand with sharing practical tools, strategies, and skills that get you through the day. I am trained to look at the whole picture - you, your family, your day-to-day lives and the context within which you live them. I also draw on formal psychotherapeutic practices including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused Therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, among others.

There is healing through talking, and there is also healing through doing. I make space for both.

Therapeutic Areas of Focus

* pregnancy/perinatal challenges * postpartum counselling * parental/maternal burnout * counselling for parents of trans and non-binary children and youth * over-stimulation in parenting *  depression * anxiety * body image * loss of personal identity in parenthood

My guiding principles

Inherent worth and value

Every parent deserves the same care and support they give so freely to others. You are worthy of this, and so much more.


There is always space for “yes, and”— we can learn to accept certain things for the way they are AND we can commit to changing what is within our control.


I believe in leaning into each individual’s strengths and resiliency. You are stronger than you think.


We are all human in our beautiful imperfections. I am interested in getting to know the real you. I will always show up for sessions as the real me.

It’s all in a name…

“If a cedar tree loses one strong branch; it will suffer but it does not die; it will pour all its vitality into the next branch so that it will grow and fill the empty place.”

-Khalil Gibran

I named my practice Cedarwell Therapy because I believe that, like majestic Cedar trees, parents are strong, resilient, and capable of awe-inspiring growth, even when it doesn’t feel that way. 

Training & Education

Credentials and Licensure

  • OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist

  • Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto

  • Certified Life Coach, Institute for Coaching Mastery

  • Certified Body Confidence Coach

Training and Modalities

  • CBT

  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Solution Focused Therapy

  • Interpersonal Therapy

  • Mindfulness

Professional Assocations

  • Member in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario