Support for your transition into parenting a new baby.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Counselling

Online therapy throughout Ontario

You didn’t expect to feel this way.

You knew some things would change and that you would be tired for a while, but you weren’t prepared for…this. We’re led to believe that pregnancy and bringing home a new baby are the most beautiful and natural times in a person’s life, but the truth is, pregnancy and the postpartum period can also be really, really, really hard.  

Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the overwhelming responsibility of caring for a new life can leave parents feeling exhausted, anxious, and depressed. It can be difficult to connect with others, create a support system, or feel like yourself, and it can all be terribly overwhelming.

Everything has changed - your body or your partner’s, your relationships, your roles and responsibilities - your entire life as you knew it. Your days are spent trying to get the baby to sleep or to feed, and you feel like you’re doing it all wrong. The guilt and anxiety are crushing, and you can’t stop crying. Or, maybe you just feel numb, and you know that isn’t right either. 

Is any of this you?

This feels hard because it is hard.

It’s not your fault.

I can help.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Of course, there are certain things about this period of life that can’t be changed, but with the right support, you can navigate this transition with more confidence. You can have the motherhood or parenthood experience that you had hoped for, and the tools you need to cope with challenges along the way. 

I can help you see your own strength and gifts as a parent.

As a mother of three and survivor of postpartum depression, I understand. I have cried as my baby cried. I have seen myself as a failure, and felt so raw that I didn’t know how I would ever feel whole again. This is why I do the work I do.

Together, we can create a safe space for you to feel the emotions you’re afraid to admit, develop coping strategies, and build a reliable support system. We will work to address any negative self-talk, unreasonable expectations, or past traumas that may be affecting your ability to feel confident and capable.

By learning new skills, building resilience, and practicing self-compassion, you can navigate this time with greater ease and a more hopefulness and happiness.

Here are some of the things we may focus on…

  • Developing coping strategies for anxiety, depression, and stress

  • Addressing feelings of guilt, shame, or self-criticism

  • Learning effective communication skills with your partner, if you have one, and family

  • Exploring new identities and relationships with a newborn or growing family

  • Addressing past traumas that may affect your parenting experience

  • Building resilience and a sense of community

  • Exploring realistic strategies to prioritize rest and self-care

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy and postpartum counselling


  • The first step is to book a free 20 minute consultation to gain clarity on your situation and whether or not working together would be a good fit. From there, we would meet online via a secure platform to identify and then work towards goals around how you want to feel and what you want your life and parenting journey to look like.

  • There is no prerequisite for getting support as a new or soon to be parent. You may feel a wide range of big emotions during this time, and they are all valid. I am here to help you work through them.

  • Absolutely, 100% yes.

You are not alone. It’s never too early or too late to seek the support you deserve.