Compassionate support as you navigate your child’s transition

Counselling for parents of transgender and non-binary children and youth

Online therapy across Ontario

Your child has come out as transgender or non-binary…now what??

Just when you thought you had this whole parenting thing figured out, your world was turned upside-down when your child came out to you. It’s a bit like being a new parent all over again, yes? The worry and self-doubt, the changing relationship dynamics, feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing, but so desperately wanting to get it right. On top of it, you may also be feeling sadness, grief, anger, or shame. And more shame for feeling sadness, grief, or anger.

Maybe you’re lying awake at night worrying about your child’s safety, their future, and how others will treat them. Or, perhaps, as much as you love the person they are, you’re also privately grieving the person you thought your child was and the future you thought they would have.

There may be strains on your relationships — with your child, your partner, your own parents, in-laws, community members — it has certainly changed things. You might be navigating a world that is so new to you, and you feel completely lost, overwhelmed, and isolated.

While this may feel like a daunting journey, with support and guidance, you can find your way through.

You don’t have to find your way alone. 

You can come to embrace your child's gender identity (if you’re not already there). You can feel more confident in your ability to support your child, and you can deepen your relationship with them in the process - creating a safe, loving home environment for them to be their true self. Peace, confidence, and understanding are possible.

I know, because I’ve been there. I have walked this path with our own transgender child, and I can help you on your family’s journey too. Together, we'll explore your feelings non-judgmentally, work through any fears, concerns, or biases you may have, and develop a plan to support your child as they explore their gender identity, while also ensuring that you have the support you need

Things we can work on together:

  • Understanding gender identity and how to support your child 

  • Developing strategies for managing difficult emotions

  • Communication skills to help you talk to your child and others about gender identity

  • Creating a supportive, affirming home environment for your child

  • Coping skills and self-care techniques that prioritize your own needs

Frequently asked questions about COUNselling for parents of trans and non-binary children and youth


  • The first step is to book a free 20 minute consultation to gain clarity on your situation and whether or not working together would be a good fit. From there, we would meet online via a secure platform to identify and then work towards goals around how you want to feel and what you want your life and parenting journey to look like.

  • There is no pre-requisite for getting support. If you have feelings related to your child’s transition that you would like to work through, I am here to help.

  • That's okay! In therapy, we'll explore what gender identity is, and how it may differ from the gender assigned at birth. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, learn more about your child's experience, and gain a deeper understanding of gender identity in a non-judgmental space.

You can be your child’s greatest ally while having your own needs met.